✨UnicornCEO Immersion✨

Activate  magic in your life and bring your dreams alive!

You've known you have the magic for a while now, you've been studying, learning and healing and preparing for the day that the words come out of your mouth manifest into the way you live life.

You've been through your dark nights of the soul, and to the other side and know who YOU are, and you KNOW it is possible to create what you desire YOUR WAY!

You know you are capable, and wonder why your magic isn't working 10 better yet, but can feel it's on the way.

But there is one thing missing that you will no longer tolerate...

You want that magic wand to create your life your way!

You want that magic wand to create your life your way!

You are ready to step in fully to from being the black sheep to shining as the sparkly magical unicorn you truly are and shine!

You are determined to align with your highest and most joy-filled timeline,  and you will not stop until you are living it!

 The one thing that would make it all easier...

Your unicorn guide with a precise strategy helping you bring your vision into reality.

You already know that fumbling around trying to figure it out is a waste of your time, when there is an easier way, you'll have it.

Welcome to Being the UnicornCEO of Your Reality Immersion where in 3 days, you will

 Discover The Super Simple 3-Step Strategy to activate true alignment so that you stop getting stuck and bring your biggest dreams alive!

 Discover The Super Simple 3-Step Strategy to activate true alignment so that you stop getting stuck and bring your biggest dreams alive!

The reason why unicorns don't have massive success knowing everything they do already is because they are missing 1 key that unlocks their abundant universe and the KNOWING how to uniquely create.

In 3 days not only will you discover this key, you'll see how to use it in your current life and align your consciousness to the YOU who is massively successful!

How you'll transform:

✨Day 1: Unlock the key paradigm and connect deeply with your magical future.

✨Day 2: Learn  how to implement the energetics and mindset of becoming your future self now.

✨Day 3: Know exactly where to focus your time and energy so that your biggest dreams come alive!  No more second guessing after you get your Magical Life Map to guide you!

Complete the immersion with your clear and congruent plan, new perspective, and inspiration to carry you to living and manifesting your biggest dreams!

Are You Ready To Become Our Next Unicorn Client who creates magic in their life?

This is a virtual immersion.

"Every time I attend a UnicornCEO, I take a quantum leap! It's amazing how clear I become about my future." 
 - Michelle Robbe

Deep Alignment to Consistently Manifest Desires In 3 Days

3-day Virtual Immersion Presented By Cory Michelle 
for Spiritually Driven Entrepreneurs

✨ Activate✨ Your Magic 

Manifesting is easier than ever now!
Are you ready to rocket ship your reality, create your future, transcend mediocrity and
have everything you want in 2023?
You are in the right place!

🌟 Are you experiencing 3 or more of these?🌟 

  •  Working way too hard with slow progress
  • Overfilling your plate to things not moving you forward
  • Desiring so much more, but paralyzed on what steps to take...
  • Not putting yourself first and dealing with everyone else's needs
  • Imposter Syndrome, fear or anxiety
  • Feeling like there is something missing, but trying to do everything right
  • Confused on what to focus on that will get you closer to your 2023 goals
  • Not following inspiration or awareness because it will rock the boat
  • Feeling unheard and unseen

Ultimately you are EXHAUSTED feeling stuck and blocked, 
even though you've done all the healing, clearing and manifesting techniques...

But your big vision is not happening fast enough!

What you require is a reboot!
Keep reading, I have what you are looking for!

These symptoms can be eliminated and you can be experiencing the satisfaction of manifesting your desires!


Your big dreams require you to trust yourself enough to follow through on your desires, to not be stopped by fear, to feel powerful as a creator, and of course, to be living the life of YOUR dreams!

⚡Do you desire this break though for yourself 
so that you can experience a new reality with: 







🙌 And have so much fun you can't believe it's your life! 🙌

Quite simply... you WANT MORE!

➡️ Yes, this is possible, but not from the way you have thought.

To make the transition from the life you are experiencing now to what you truly desire, will require an upgrade.

You've tried working harder, hustling, clearing your brains out or creating big hairy audacious goals!!!

And you don't get why it's not working.

What will work is actually opposite from what you've been doing.

And it's so much simpler!

Let me show you the way to create with the quantum field to create your life in 3D.

So what's missing?

3 elements that when aligned, will activate your magic and bring your desires alive.

A perspective shift
- Aligning your functioning perspectives 
 - Inner alignment with your future self (who is already successfully living your dreams)
Follow through.
You are stuggling knowing what actions to take, what awareness is, and what to do in life that will create what you want.

I’m Cory Michelle.

I have guided hundreds of people from all over the world to activate their highest calling and dreams through alignment to their higher self.

Everything from massive jumps & capacity in income, to paying off debt, manifesting INCREDIBLE and passionate relationships...and most importantly … a true sense of internal peace of who they are and what they are here to do in this world. 

In the next couple of minutes, I am going to reveal with you the alignment strategies that activate magic in your life!

Every single person I’ve ever worked with has been HIGHLY ambitious in the desire to create a magical life.  

First, you need to know...

You are not wrong, undeserving or not good enough to have the life you truly desire!!! 
There are reasons why Ambitious High Achievers Get Stuck

Let me explain... the 3 top reasons are: 

In just a few hours, hundreds have reported:

Clairty and deep connection to their ...

Clairty and deep connection to their ...

Clairty and deep connection to their ...

Clairty and deep connection to their ...

Clairty and deep connection to their ...

Are you experiencing

  • Difficulty in manifesting your soul’s greatest desires
  • Feeling stuck, blocked, or overwhelmed with limitations
  • Self sabotage
  • Loops of negative self talk and self worth
  • A financial ceiling or vicious cycle?
  • Conflict and codependency in your relationships
  • Difficulty finding or expressing your truth
  • Imposter Syndrome, fear or anxiety
  • Feeling unheard and unseen

In just a few hours, thousands have reported:

Clairty and deep connection to their ...

Clairty and deep connection to their ...

Clairty and deep connection to their ...

Clairty and deep connection to their ...

Clairty and deep connection to their ...

#1 Faced with Inner Conflict

You know those moments where you say YES, I want to...
But the next action you take is not that.

That's Inner conflict, when your inspiration says yes, but you are not able to follow through.

This is where resistance comes in big time, we can find any excuse as to why NOT to do the thing.


This conflict indicates a subconscious belief that it will be too hard, you won't be good enough, there isn't enough time or some other reason why what you desire is not worth going for.

So while you can desire all day long, if your thoughts and actions are not aligned, you'll be subject to your Automatic Pilot.

Leaving you repeating self sabotaging behaviors.

#2 Stuck In Automatic Pilot

Feel like your life is on repeat?
Automatic pilot is our identity.  Who we believe we are and who we are being.  This identity is embedded into our subconscious so that we know exactly how to react to anything in our life.

While this saves our bodies energy (it takes a lot of glucose to be in present moment choosing), it enables us to react in a patterned way that matches our beliefs.

Studies say that humans run on automatic 80-90% of the day.  This means that 13+ hours you are awake you are automatically functioning from the past version of yourself.

This means, you are repeating patterns automatically.

So really, it's not your fault that your brain is functioning correctly!

However, automatic pilot is not helpful unless you upgrade the patterns it is running on.

One of the ways to upgrade your automatic pilot baseline is to get out of your typical environment.

#3 Blinded in Your Typical Environment

Your current daily routines hold the automatic pilot in place very effectively.

From your morning routine (or lack of), to the way you respond to that thing your partner does, or even that annoying thing you keep seeing on social media that puts you into an irritated energy.

Your environment holds in place the patterns that are required to be broken.

This is why when I wanted to change my life, I had to switch my friend group as they did not have the same values of what I wanted in my life.  I knew that if I stayed, the same lying, cheating and mediocre life would continue.  

By changing my environment I was able to gain friends who shared my values, and begin dating someone who was kind and successful.

Often it's our loyalty, obligation and fear that keeps us in the same environment, but there is 1 easy way you can change this life long pattern just in 3 days...

Deeply Trust Yourself to Consistently Create Magic In Your Life

& Create Your New Reality

A 3 Day Immersion Event To Unlock The UNEXPECTED Ways To Manifest Your 10 Year Goals Into Reality within 1 Year

💌 Accept Your Invitation to the Activate Your Magic Immersion!

It's time to be the main character in your life and 
activate your magic by design!

Where for 3 days you'll be:
🌟 Immersed in a new environment to support your biggest dreams
🌟 Engage with content that will inspire a paradigm shift and resolve the inner conflict that has been stopping you automatically
🌟 Processes that go deep to align you to the life you truly desire, and give you a new baseline for your identity to life life from

You will finish the immersion:
✔️ Knowing why things weren't working and how to get them to now
✔️ Clarity in what you truly desire
✔️ What to start saying no to so that you have time, energy and space for YOU
✔️ Magical Life Map to guide you on exactly what to focus on to create magic

It's time to:
💎 Take your energy back.

💎 Take your time back.
💎 Take your power back.
💎 Put it where it matters most...

In your alignment!

This is where you'll begin to experience consistent creations and magic.

What we can predict is that running on automatic pilot, in the typical environment, with inner conflict, the average person will be in the same space 1 year from now.

But you have stumbled upon this magic activator experience where in 3 days, 
you'll change the trajectory of your life.

Inner frictionconflict

Sync your Subconscious Mind with the Mindset of Your Future Self.

What this takes
Upgrade in perspective
New Paradigm
Going all in, letting go
Identifying old patterns, thoughts, choices, numbing, avoidance, sabotage

And replacing them with new and aligned....

What's happening, your inner monologue is talking you out of alignment.
Every day.
And for some, every 5 minutes!

So instead of just giving a bandaid like 'clearing the energy' which all that does is give you the temporary space of peace, then you go back to the head trash you had before, which leads to the same anti magic choices, thoughts and behaviors.

So then you are in a cycle.

Even if you've done a lot of healing, which I suspect you have, that doesn't necessarily offer your subconscious a new platform to function from.

You've done the required healing to get from stressed to baseline.

Now, to increase your baseline identity to one who for example is able to move through.... and .....
We need.... this.

This breaks the cycle.

Science says that - we are on auto pilot for 80-90% of the day.
Say you sleep 8 hours, that leaves 16 hours/day.
Meaning that 13-14.5 hours/day are on automatic...
Only 1.5-3 hours a day are from conscious choice.

Woah, right?

So if you could shift your auto pilot to function from an upgraded platform, meaning have more aligned auto-pilot responses.

What do you suspect that would create?

Let me offer some examples from my clients...

Old autopilot - Life is hard and a struggle 
New Auto pilot - Everything is always working out for me.


Observe patterns and shift instead of spiral

Are you sick and tired of working SO HARD on your goals but the progress is TOO SLOW? 

Are you EXHAUSTED by the end of your day and desiring you had more energy to expand your capacity to attract more…

…more wealth

…more emotional freedom 

…more beautiful relationships?

If you haven’t had a quantum jump in results in any area of life in the last 90 days….then this letter is for you. 

They key is knowing exactly how to respond to reality with “A QUANTUM PERSPECTIVE”  

A new study in quantum psychics has come out that has confirmed that reality will ACT differently depending on the PERSPECTIVE WITH WHICH YOU OBSERVE REALITY. 

When you know EXACTLY how to access a QUANTUM PERSPECTIVE SHIFT, you’ll be able to literally reverse-engineer your desired end results by making new choices from the perspective of your future self, instead from your current reality or past experiences. 

Let me share the exact action steps to put yourself on the fast track of your manifestation.

💎 You know you are meant for more.
💎 You know 2023 is your year.
💎 You know you have to do something different.

Join me and gain access to the alignment you deserve to gift yourself!

This weekend has changed me in ways I didn’t expect

Kara Rojek

Breakthrough time! It doesn’t have to be that hard!

Leslie M.

Ive been making a lot more work for myself, there is so much clarity right now.

Maggie Emersion

 Here's the dealio:

3 Days  Live, 4h/day: 
USA/CAN: Friday, Feb 3-5th 2023
Australia/NZ: Sat, 4-6th 2023

The Activate Your Magic Immersion takes you through a framework allows you to discover how you uniquely create while shifting your unconscious mind so that you can more naturally and easily make changes and align with the future you desire to be living.

✨ Day 1: "Discover the pathway to 5D Manifestation”

We are going to unlock the key paradigm and connect deeply with your magical future and learn the process to Neutralize Thoughts so you don't spiral into disappointing & frustrating patterns that keep you feeling stuck or stagnant.

✨ Day 2: “The Energetics of Your Future Self” 

We are going to Activate “Lucky Girl Syndrome” permanently by shifting to see how everything is working out for you and Alignment Adjustment so that you can go deep into knowing what is aligned for your biggest dreams and what is not.  This makes it easy and simple to apply what you learn into your life.

✨ Day 3: “Magical Life Map” 

You are going to know exactly where to focus your time and energy so that your biggest dreams come alive! No more second guessing after you get your Magical Life Map to guide you!  We are also going to eliminate the 'over-doing' mindset so that you don't leave with a list of 'too much' to do that creates failure and overwhelm.  You'll learn how to know what the needle movers are and how to implement them effectively so that what you desire begins to take form.


✨ To support you in breaking free of subconscious limitations keeping you repeating old patterns you'll receive my 3 activations + 21 day energetic activation to embody your new life

What you'll leave with 7 powerful processes that activate magic in your life:

✨ Discover the pathway to 5D Manifestation
✨ Learn the process to Neutralize Thoughts so you don't spiral in disappointing &  frustrating patterns.
Alignment Adjustment - Go deep into knowing what is aligned for your biggest dreams and what is not. 
✨ Discover how to stay in YOUR magical lane, and why people pleasing & over giving is halting your magic.
✨ Unleash your magical life map so that you are guided to the short cuts to your treasure.
Activate Lucky Girl Syndrome!  Permanently shift from conclusionary thinking and positive thinking (that doesn't work) to everything always working out for you!
Collapse time using the Future Self Now Process that shows you HOW to bring your future to the NOW and live as that version of you.

You'll learn these processes that activate magic AND receive the guidebook so you can repeat them over and over.

✨ Discover the pathway to 5D Manifestation
✨ Learn the process to Neutralize Thoughts so you don't spiral in disappointing &  frustrating patterns.
Alignment Adjustment - Go deep into knowing what is aligned for your biggest dreams and what is not. 
✨ Discover how to stay in YOUR magical lane, and why people pleasing & over giving is halting your magic.
✨ Unleash your magical life map so that you are guided to the short cuts to your treasure.
Activate Lucky Girl Syndrome!  Permanently shift from conclusionary thinking and positive thinking (that doesn't work) to everything always working out for you!
Collapse time using the Future Self Now Process that shows you HOW to bring your future to the NOW and live as that version of you.

You'll learn these processes that activate magic AND receive the guidebook so you can repeat them over and over.

"The UnicornCEO Immersion was the spark I needed to implement my future self AND it's such a relief knowing why I wasn't able to follow through on all the wisdom about manifesting I had learned before!  This week has already been off the charts inspiring and magical! "
Nicolle Howard, Healer


✨ To support you in breaking free of subconscious limitations keeping you repeating old patterns you'll receive my 3 activations + 21 day energetic activation to embody your new life

Are you ready to activate your magic now? 
Register here 👇
Investment - $1997

This time only - $297! 


"Every time I attend a UnicornCEO, I take a quantum leap! It's amazing how clear I become about my future." 
 - Michelle Robbe

 You will also receive these bonuses:

✨ Bonus 1: You’ll receive my 21 day energy activation (planner/mediation) so that you can break free of subconscious limitations and embody your new life intention.

✨ Bonus 2: You will receive a 40 page guide book containing the processes that activate your magic so that you can repeat them over and over for results.

✨ Bonus 3: The recording of the immersion (free of charge) so that you can go back to the most impactful moments to help you perspective pivot after the immersion! 

✨ Bonus 4: “Discover the Pathway to A Magical Life” Roadmap that you can easily reference your way to get back into the quantum world! 

Bonus 5: A custom “Magical Life Map” template so that you know exactly what you guide to shortcut right to your treasure. 

What you'll leave with 7 powerful processes that activate magic in your life:

✨ Discover the pathway to 5D Manifestation
✨ Learn the process to Neutralize Thoughts so you don't spiral in disappointing &  frustrating patterns.
Alignment Adjustment - Go deep into knowing what is aligned for your biggest dreams and what is not. 
✨ Discover how to stay in YOUR magical lane, and why people pleasing & over giving is halting your magic.
✨ Unleash your magical life map so that you are guided to the short cuts to your treasure.
Activate Lucky Girl Syndrome!  Permanently shift from conclusionary thinking and positive thinking (that doesn't work) to everything always working out for you!
Collapse time using the Future Self Now Process that shows you HOW to bring your future to the NOW and live as that version of you.

You'll learn these processes that activate magic AND receive the guidebook so you can repeat them over and over.

✨ Discover the pathway to 5D Manifestation
✨ Learn the process to Neutralize Thoughts so you don't spiral in disappointing &  frustrating patterns.
Alignment Adjustment - Go deep into knowing what is aligned for your biggest dreams and what is not. 
✨ Discover how to stay in YOUR magical lane, and why people pleasing & over giving is halting your magic.
✨ Unleash your magical life map so that you are guided to the short cuts to your treasure.
Activate Lucky Girl Syndrome!  Permanently shift from conclusionary thinking and positive thinking (that doesn't work) to everything always working out for you!
Collapse time using the Future Self Now Process that shows you HOW to bring your future to the NOW and live as that version of you.

You'll learn these processes that activate magic AND receive the guidebook so you can repeat them over and over.

I’ve been focused on consuming info vs applying what I know, this is a game changer and I am clear on how to do this now by connecting to my future self

I don't need to stay in comfortable situations anymore as they are creating what I don't want!

I was ignoring my awareness, but I see how that was just making me stuck!

- Laurie Baker

You don't need more information to fill your mind with all the things you 'should be doing', you need an experience that catapults you to your next level of creation so that in you don't wait any longer to create the magical life you desire!

After working with thousands of highly aware, psychic, empathic and sensitive clients, I can tell you that there is an easier way to create your life, and you don't have to figure it out all by yourself.

I have created my dream life through energetic awareness, manifestation techniques, collapsing time to bring my biggest dreams into my reality.

It would be my pleasure to show you the way during the UnicornCEO Immersion.

Grab your spot now and let's get the magic started!

Align yourself mind, consciousness, energy and identity to function as if the universe is working out FOR YOU!

I am opening a piece of a process I use with my VIP clients that has created quantum leaps in their lives over and over, predictably.

You see, when you feel stuck in an area of life, or maybe you want to live like a magial unicorn where you ask, and you receive, there is just 1 block in your way.

This block, is the one you have likely already been trying to overcome, fix and make go away.  It even stops you when you do traditional goal setting and take massive action.

All leaving you feeling dissapointed, frustrated and wondering, what the heck am I missing here??

I have the solution for you.

Spend 3 days with me and your biggest block, will dissappear, for real.

Here's how we will do it:
1. You'll learn how to jump over ANY block (no matter how long you've had it).
2. You'll discover how to shift your perspective so that what you truly desire is possible and you'll start having awarenesses for how to have it manifest.
3.  You'll increase your confidence and the realness of what you truly desire.
4. You'll begin to feel naturally motivated and have more energy and excitement for life
5. You'll walk away with a magical life map 

Take your power to create to the next level.
Manifest things you've been trying to for years.
Release anti-magic patterns, choices and beliefs in an instant.
Begin to trust your desires, your awareness and yourself to follow through.

Ensure 2023 brings your dreams alive by using a proven process that allows you to get clear, become congruent and eliminate energy and time wasting so that your dreams are your focus.  This way, everything you desire will begin to manifest.

What would it be like to spend the year focused on what matters most to you and be celebrating your quantum leap in December 2023?

This is what we create year after year during my Being the UnicornCEO of Your Reality immersion.

Reset your BEing, your focus, your intent and energy to harness the power of your alignment to create all you desire to experience.

During the immersion we dive into 3 main elements of creating your future:

 Turn Sound on and watch this

#1: Gain Clarity for your future through your own awareness!

By releasing external shoulds, demands and expectations, you'll more naturally find your flow to creating your desired future, on purpose.  Plus it will be easier to take those congruent actions that create big moves in life.

#2: Consciously align & organize your life to work for you, identifying your priorities and eliminating the fluff, distractions and drama. 

The benefit of doing this is massive, allowing you to focus on what will contribute to your dreams coming alive. 

You'll begin to see where your energy leaks are, close them up, and have 2x-10x more manifesting energy and flow working for you. 

This is key to having your life feel magical and ease-filled.

#3: Activate your future self and start living the life you desire now. 

By embodying the confident, successful version of yourself, you'll tap into the most powerful form of manifestation and begin to see transformative results in your life. 

Don't wait any longer, start stepping into your future self today and watch as your wildest dreams become a reality.

After these three transformative days, you'll have a clear and actionable plan to bring your goals to life. 

As you implement this strategy, you'll start to see the powerful effects in your life as you shift into being the master of your own reality and the Unicorn CEO of your dreams.

Don't miss this opportunity to take control of your life and create the success you desire in 2023.

You have the transformation elements under your belt, you already know how, now join us for our annual alignment reset where we get aligned together!

Leave your old identity in 2022
Release next level patterns & habits that are not aligned
Identify your next level reality & self
Bring it all home creating your current magical life map.

Every time you upgrade, is a time to realign.
This is how we consistently create quantum leaps!


Dates & Detail:

This high-level immersion is designed to help you access your full potential and transform your life. 

Our past students have consistently raved about the transformative power of this program. Don't miss this opportunity to take your personal and professional growth to new heights.

No matter where you are with your 2023 planning and targets, this immersion will assist you in gaining deeper clarity, and stepping you into the YOU that has already accomplished it all!


Cory Michelle Intl' & Conscious360, LLC - COPYRIGHT @ 2023 - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 
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