Get Clear, 
And Let the universe deliver

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Everything you can imagine is possible!
Are you allowing yourself to BECOME that hot ass, magical version of yourself that HAS IT ALL?

Or are you playing mediocre, allowing heavy old worn out patterns keep you distracted from being the bright sparkly unique unicorn you actually are?

I'm Cory Michelle, here to inspire and activate the Magical AF Unicorn version of you that creates new realities no matter what is happening in the world.

Those of us know have the inner calling to BE different, function different, create different and are led and fueled by energy, are here to architect the new reality.  

So magical you, it's now the time to activate the Magical AF Unicorn You and dance your way to creating the impossible?

Best selling author
Intuitive Manifestation Facilitator
Creator of Magical Living By Design System

Magical Living By Design presents 

Get Clear, 
And Let the universe deliver

Get Clear And Let the Universe Deliver is an 8 module workshop where we make it nearly impossible to fail at getting so clear that your desire manifests into your life.

After surveying 100's of advanced manifestors and spiritual junkies, clarity is the number one thing people want but don't know how to get.

Getting clear about what your heart desires, and being absolutely be over the moon about what you're creating and experiencing is an incredibly strong beacon to the universe.

While being unclear, will only result in:
 - Spinning wheels. 
 - Overwhelm.
 - Frustration. 
 - Mediocre creations.
 - Unclear intuition.

Most disappointing is that what you truly desire doesn't actualize into your experience!  Gahhhhh!

But you know you're magic!!!  So WTF?

Now is the time to let go of that repetitive thought in your head when you are unclear is...

"I just don't know"

So what happens if you stay stuck in the "I don't knows?"

That becomes the predominant message that goes out to the Universe and brings you more confusion.

You see, it's my specialty to help you connect with what you truly desire, even if you've been doubting it's possible for you

So get out of the confusion and get clear with me!

Get Clear, And Let the universe deliver

In our time together you will get clear on 5 levels:

 1.   Identify and Acknowledge what you truly desire.
 2.  Release unconscious patterns of resistance to this desire.
 3.  Send clear FUCK YES intent to the universe. 
 4.  Open to Receive clear awarenesses, inspiration and actions.
 5.  Upgrade who you are being to match and embody this desire manifest.

Your clarity is access to living Your Magical AF reality.  Period.

In our 2 hours together you will get clear on 5 levels:

 1.   Identify and Acknowledge what you truly desire.

 2.  Release unconscious patterns of resistance to this desire.

 3.  Send clear F*CK YES intent to the universe. 

 4.  Open to Receive clear awarenesses, inspiration and actions.

 5.  Upgrade who you are being to match and embody this desire manifest.

Your clarity is access to living Your Magical AF reality.  Period.

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My guarantee...

Is that you will at a minimum, see why you haven't been clear with your desire so you can manifest them.

And if you don't, contact my support team for a full refund.

All I ask is that you show us that you went through the class and completed the worksheets.

Everything you can imagine is possible!
Are you allowing yourself to BECOME that hot ass, magical version of yourself that HAS IT ALL?

Or are you playing mediocre, allowing heavy old worn out patterns keep you distracted from being the bright sparkly unique unicorn you actually are?

I'm Cory Michelle, here to inspire and activate the Magical AF Unicorn Version of you that creates new realities no matter what is happening in the world.

Those of us know have the inner calling to BE different, function different, create different and are led and fueld by energy, are here to architect the new reality.  

So magical you, it's now the time to activate the Magical AF Unicorn You and dance your way to creating the impossible?

Best selling author
Intuitive Manifestation Facilitator
Creator of Magical Living By Design System

Hi, I'm Cory Michelle, it's an honor to meet you!
I am an 5D consciousness guide that empowers seasoned manifestors to make the identity and consciousness leap to 5D embodiment and manifest thier desired life.

After teaching clearing and manifestation tools for 10 years, I've discovered that no matter how much someone tries to tap into their magical super powers, if there are subconscious blocks, they feel stuck, blocked, disapointed and frustrated in the ongoing search for HOW to manigest Magic AF life!

If this is you, or you'd like to manifest like magic, I got you!

There is a specific transformation I work with that when this shift happens, you activate a whole new version of yourself.  Some call this quantum jumping, but it's the fastest and easiest way to tap into the version of you who already is wealthy and bring her to the forefront of your life.

My favorite thing to do, and what I am meant for is to expidite the great shift happening on planet earth right now.

You magical unicorn, are invited to Magic Your Life with me!

Cory Michelle Intl' & Conscious360, LLC - COPYRIGHT @ 2022 - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 
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