Cory Michelle's

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Offers still available 


Hello gorgeous!
I am thrilled to offer you a chance to have access to some of my client favorite classes at easy no brainer yes pricing!

There are 3 levels of where people are at with their subconscious so I created 3 bundles to contribute to each moving to the next.

These video classes that are not available to purchase on my website, only during this sale.

If you are investing at this time, invest in your personal transformation that will contribute to you creating the life you dream of.

Whether you require an uplevel with subconscious self sabotage or to energetically align to 2023 being your best year yet, I wonder if one of these bundles is for you?

Browse the 3 packages below and see what resonates with your future self.

Bringing your dreams alive!
Cory Michelle

Reprogram Your Subconscious for Abundance 

This bundle is perfect if you are new to my world and want to transform into a version of you who is confident, clear and free.  The Supersconscious SHIFT sessions are designed to powerfully reprogram your subconscious so that you align and become your future self.

This one is for you if:

💎 You struggle saying positive with having abundance
💎 Have negative stories running in your head that won't stop
💎 Could use a whole new reframe for how to receive abundance
💎 Want new tools on how to receive from the universe in unexpected ways
💎 Desire to access abundance in your consciousness as a way of being

This bundle includes my powerful subconscious reprogramming SHIFT sessions where you transmute the stuck energy of old stories, patterns and step into your future self energetics creating new reference points that begin to guide your subconscious mind effortlessly.

5 Video Sessions included
8 Hours total

VALUE:  $497
Save: 86%

✨ Releasing Poverty Identity - Address "lack & scarcity" pattern
✨ Receiving Big Lump Sums of Money - Address "money fantasy" pattern
✨ Receive For Nothing - Address "working hard for money" pattern
✨ So Much money you don’t know what to do with it - Address "don't know what to do with that much money" pattern
✨ I am my priority - Address "putting others first" pattern

Each of these Superconscious SHIFT Sessions activates your future self and your next level consciousness.

$67 USD

"These Superconscious SHIFT sessions make it so easy to 'observe' the patterns so that I can more easily choose differently in the moment.  I don't get triggered anymore and love how easy it is to pivot in the moment!" - Tracy - Canada

Energetics of Becoming irresistible

includes everything in Bundle #1 plus

14 day Becoming Irresistible in Business Energetic Activation including 2 live classes and 2 weeks of switch the flow from chase & need to magnatizing your unicorn clients.

This one is for you if:

💎 You want to stop chasing clients, and have them come to you
💎 You want to hear "I know I am meant to work with YOU!"
💎 You have a business coaching, healing or consulting - courses, memberships or 1:1
💎 Bro marketing, high pressure sales make you want to vomit

This bundle includes 2 live masterclasses diving into the energetics of becoming irresistible in your marketing and sales.  You'll learn how to flip the flow of energy so that unicorn clients are magnatized to you.

Topics we will cover live:
✨ Identify how your energy is flowing (if it's pushing out, how to flow to you)
✨ Core Belief SHIFT to easily be visible, and magnetic
✨ 7 essentials in setting up your offers so that people know they want to buy
✨ 14 tools to align and activate irresistible energy (delivered daily from the first class)

VALUE: $997
Save: 85%

▶️ LIVE MASTERCLASS DETAILS - 2 days, 1.5 hours/day

#1  Tues: Dec 27 - 4pm US Pacific - World times here
#2 Tues : Jan 9, 2022 - 4pm US Pacific - World times here

#1 Wed: Dec 28, 2023 - 10am AEST Bris - World times here
#2 Wed: Jan 10, 2023 - 10am AEST Bris - World times here

You will receive all recordings.

$147 USD

"I couldn't believe how much I was pushing energy at potential clients and they were running from me, I had no idea that I was doing it!  After learning the Energetics of Becoming Irresistible, it was like flipping a switch, my ideal clients started coming to me, it's like they finally saw my offers and said yes so easily!" - Johanna - USA

Energetically align to hit your 2023 goals

includes everything in Bundle #1 & 2 plus:

Receive live access to my 3-day virtual conference where I’ll teach you how to create your own roadmap to being aligned to your best year yet in life and business.

This one is for you if:

💎 You are ready to identify and set aligned goals for 2023 (end disappointment sabotage of setting goals and not hitting them)
💎 You value using your awareness to create your life and business and want to get out of conditioned linear goal setting
💎 You know that you can no longer set goals from your head that you don't follow through with and don't manifest
💎 You feel called to work with Cory Michelle and her energetic magic in a deeper way

This bundle includes my signature VIP event ticket, Being the UnicornCEO of Your Reality.  A 3 Day immersion setting up the energetics, alignment of your year.

You will walk away with Clarity and Your Magical Life Map to guide you for the year, a magical life game that works with your future self to manifest your best year yet.

2023 will be about alignment with your highest timeline, releasing all that does not serve, including goals, patterns, old beliefs and relationships with reality.  

We will tap into the 2024 you, to celebrate all you have already created to anchor in the consciousness, awareness and choices required to quantum jump to that timeline.

This is not for those just starting their journey, or skeptical of their own potency.

VALUE: $1897
Save: 84%

▶️ LIVE WORKSHOP DETAILS - 3 days, 4 hours/day

USA/CAN: Friday, Jan 6-8, 2022
Australia/NZ: Sat, Jan 7-9, 2022

🌎World times click here 
You will receive all recordings and workbook.

$297 USD

"Unicorn CEO Immersion is a game changer, I got so clear and could feel myself being my future self so fast.  This level alignment has been key to hitting my targets, without pushing, allowing my awareness to lead AND being strategic.  I also released so many ineffective goal setting ideas I learned.  Now I know how to set aligned targets and how to follow through to create success for myself." - Meghann - USA

Reprogram Your Subconscious for Abundance 

5 Superconscious SHIFT sessions to end self sabotage to abundance.
Video Classes

$37 USD


Stop repelling clients, and magnatize them to you
#1 + 14 day live activation

$97 USD


Everything you need for full alignment to your best year
1+2 + 3 day live virtual immersion

$197 USD

There have been times in my journey where an invitation to choose to invest in myself took me to the next level of my life.
I'd like to extend the opportunity to you to do the same.  If you feel called to transform your consciouness, align to your next level, and magnatize instead of chase your life down, these bundles were created for you!

We are in a pivitol point in reality where the creation space is fertile and ready for your seeds, and the harvest of abundance is here.

When you discover how to align with your biggest dreams, how to align your energy, beliefs, frequency to what you are meant for, it can't help but manifest into your reality.

I can't wait to see what you create in our world!
Cory Michelle Intl' & Conscious360, LLC - COPYRIGHT @ 2022 - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 
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